Why is it so hard to find high quality vintage furniture?

My family would 100% agree, that I search the internet for high quality vintage furniture from the minute I wake up, to the minute I go to bed.  As soon as I wake up I grab my beloved iPad and check out Craigslist, and then I check my email to see who’s responded to my inquiries.  You wouldn’t believe the number of emails I send out on a daily basis, checking to see if stuff is still available.  I’d say that about 80% of the people I send emails to don’t even respond, and another 15% just can’t be talked down to a reasonable figure.  It’s crazy the high value that people put on their Really ugly old stuff.  Stuff that’s screaming for an update.

So my obsessiveness translates into high quality, reasonably priced, original pieces.  I have to work at it 24/7 or I’ll completely run out of stock!

So next time you’re in your grandma’s dusty attic, make sure you keep your eyes peeled for me!

About Kristen Buckley

Kristen is a transplanted Bostonian who loves North Carolina and can't even imagine living anywhere else. She has been restoring furniture her whole life and has recently found the time to expand beyond just doing it for her own home.

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