Rock Maple table with 4 chairs

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Solid rock maple kitchen or dining room table. If you’re looking for a super solid, durable table to withstand years of hard use, then this is the table for you.  The legs are a glossy, light gray.  For the top I did a paint wash, which is a mix of part water, part paint. This gave it just the right shade of gray, so you can still see the beautiful wood. The set of 4 matching chairs have been updated with the same paint as the table base, new foam and designer fabric in the same gray tones. All pieces are solid wood, which is hard to find these days!

DIMENSIONS: 60″ wide, 42 1/2″ wide, 30″ tall
PAINT: Valspar Silver Leaf (on table legs, skirt, and chairs)
STAIN: Sherwin Williams Gauntlet Gray – paint wash
PRICE: $575

After Pics:

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During Pics:

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Before Pics:

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About Kristen Buckley

Kristen is a transplanted Bostonian who loves North Carolina and can't even imagine living anywhere else. She has been restoring furniture her whole life and has recently found the time to expand beyond just doing it for her own home.


  1. I love the table. I am wondering how well the top will stand up to everyday use to eat or kids doing homework.

    • Kristen Buckley says

      I have the same finish on my own kitchen table, that I refinished a few years ago and it has stood up to my 7 yr old and all his friends. We use it for meals, homework, games, etc. It’s super durable!

    • Kristen Buckley says

      The top of this table was finished with a gel stain, as well as 3 coats of Polycrylic. It should stand up to TONS of wear n’ tear. I have the same finish on my own kitchen table and it has withstood the abuse of my 7 yr old and all his friends. Come take a look!

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