Set of 4 Chippendale style chairs

This item has been sold IMG_7332These beautiful Chippendale style chairs were in fantastic shape. Aside from the ho hum cream fabric and the mahogany stain, they were structurally sound and in fantastic condition for vintage chairs. All they needed was a little paint and fabric and voila, new chairs! The set includes 2 armless chairs, and 2 captain’s chairs.  I painted them with the same color as this adorable country style, solid pine table – they make the perfect set for your kitchen or breakfast nook!

PAINT/STAIN: Oops paint – Valspar Ultra
SEALER: Minwax Polycrylic, in Satin
FABRIC: Navy & cream
PRICE: $300

After the Renovation Pics:

IMG_7340 IMG_7332 IMG_7333 IMG_7334 IMG_7335 IMG_7336 IMG_7342 IMG_7338

Before the Renovation Pics:

Chippendale chairs 01 Chippendale chairs 02 Chippendale chairs 03 Chippendale chairs 04 Chippendale chairs 05 Chippendale chairs 06

About Kristen Buckley

Kristen is a transplanted Bostonian who loves North Carolina and can't even imagine living anywhere else. She has been restoring furniture her whole life and has recently found the time to expand beyond just doing it for her own home.


  1. […] table is to paint it a canvas white and rough up the edges a bit.  It’ll go perfect with these chairs once they get painted the same […]

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