Vintage Children’s Desk & Chair

This item has been soldVintage kids desk & chair 17
This adorable little set is a vintage wood desk & chair that a customer found on the side of the road. I’ll never understand why people leave such gorgeous pieces out with the trash. But luckily my customer saw it’s potential!

The customer requested their own stencil and colors on top. And it came out SO cute!! We left the chair seat stained, but made it a much darker, richer color, because kids tend to beat up chairs and get dirty fingerprints on everything and we figured this would be more durable and look cleaner. The rest of the chair and the desk now pop with a bright white.

PAINT: Sherwin Williams ProClassic
PAINT COLOR: Pure White, SW 7005
SEALER: Minwax Wipe On Polyurethane, in Satin
PRICE: Customer Order

After the Renovation Pics:

Vintage kids desk & chair 17image Vintage kids desk & chair 12 Vintage kids desk & chair 14 Vintage kids desk & chair 15 Vintage kids desk & chair 16 Vintage kids desk & chair 18

Before the Renovation Pics:

Vintage Kids Desk & Chair 06 Vintage Kids Desk & Chair 07 Vintage Kids Desk & Chair 08 DSCF0282 Vintage Kids Desk & Chair 09 Vintage Kids Desk & Chair 10 Vintage Kids Desk & Chair 04 Vintage Kids Desk & Chair 05 Vintage Kids Desk & Chair 03

About Kristen Buckley

Kristen is a transplanted Bostonian who loves North Carolina and can't even imagine living anywhere else. She has been restoring furniture her whole life and has recently found the time to expand beyond just doing it for her own home.

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